A short documentary about the effects of fentanyl on American families.

From parents who lost their children to Addicts who survived years of abuse. This educational film gives us a peek into the pain often sensationalized by the media and large overdose numbers.
  • Who are the faces behind these numbers, and is it just addicts who should be concerned?
  • How real is this threat?
  • How can we protect our children and communities from being torn apart by this drug?


Why is this drug in particular so addictive?

What causes individuals to overdose in such high numbers?

How can the recovery communities, first responders, and families rally together as one voice to combat this national security threat?

David Cleope

Drug & Alcohol Counselor, BS, CADC-II, CCDS

David Cleope

Interview with David Cleope, an ex-Fentanyl user who is now an addiction counselor.


Dr. Zan Yanis

North Point Neuropsychology, LLC

Dr. Zac Yanis

Dr. Yanis specializes in the evaluation, diagnosis, and explanation of various neurological and psychological disorders.

EVERY DAY from overdoses related to synthetic opioids
like fentanyl.